

Iridology Analysis & Iris Reading - Austin, TX


Iridology is the science and practice that reveals inflammation, where it is located and what stage it is manifesting in the body. The iris reveals the body’s constitution, inherent weaknesses, levels of health and the living patterns of the individual.

Iridology is the science of analyzing the delicate structures of the iris of the eye. The iris is the portion of the eye that carries the color. Under magnification, the iris reveals minute details of one’s level of health – past, present and potential future.

“Such are the eyes; such is the body” ~ Hippocrates

The eyes have been recognized throughout the ages as the window of the soul. We now acknowledge them as the mirror of the body and its condition. Manifestations in and about the eyes have long been used to gain insight into a person’s state of heath.

The iris’s condition provides evidence of genetic “markers” from the past three generations can clearly be seen in a person’s eyes. Just as you inherit certain traits from your parents (such as hair color and facial features,) you also inherit their strengths and weaknesses. This genetic information is reflected in the iris.

Iris Analysis Session

An Iridology session can provide valuable information about a person’s hereditary strengths and weaknesses. From the results of the iris analysis, I will design a protocol (herbal and diet) tailored specifically for you and the constitution of your body. For example, there are several factors that may be contributing to skin (acne etc) issues. In one person it may be due to a lymphatic issue while in another it is related to hormone. By knowing this, we can directly address the root cause of the problem rather than just treating the symptoms.

Iridology is an immensely powerful tool when it comes to the prevention of disease. Being aware of your constitutional tendencies and inherited make-up allows you to adjust your lifestyle in a way that can help prevent disease from happening in the first place.

What Are The Benefits Of An Iris Analysis Session?

There are many reasons why people come to see me for an in-depth iridology consultation.

    • It’s a genuinely interesting experience to learn more about your constitution and inherited health. This may be particularly useful for people who have no prior knowledge of their family health history; for example – adopted children.
    • An iridology consultation can identify which organs may be involved in the development of existing health issues. This information provides clues as to possible reasons why and how current health problems first started.
    • Although Iridology isn’t a diagnostic tool in the contemporary medical sense, it can offer suggestions for specific preventative measures to stop health issues from developing in the first place. In this respect, Iridology is an inexpensive way to determine your risk factors for any particular disease.
    • Iridology can help to promote the health of future generations of your family by showing you how to break the cycle of inherited disease.
    • Most people have never had the opportunity to see their own eyes up close. A photograph of your iris along with a short preventative health report is supplied at every session for your future reference

How The Iris Reflects The Conditions In Your Body

The iris of the eye is the most complex tissue of the human body meeting the outside world. It is an extension of the brain via hundreds of thousands of nerve endings (fibers of the iris), microscopic blood vessels, muscle and other tissues.

The iris is connected to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the brain and nervous system. The nerve fibers receive their impulses by way of their connections to the optic nerve and spinal cord. Both sympathetic and parasympathetic systems are present in the iris.

In this way, Nature has provided us with a miniature television screen showing the most remote portions of the body by way of nerve reflex responses. Not only can we see the outside world through our eyes, we are now discovering that we can see the conditions within the body. Nerve fibers in the iris respond to changes in the body tissues by manifesting a reflex physiology (a marking on the iris) that corresponds to specific tissue changes (i.e., organs, etc.) and location within the body.

The iris reveals an individual’s strengths and weaknesses and what has been done to the body through non-optimal living habits such as unhealthy eating habits, drug uses/impacts, toxic environment, emotional stress and much more.

Management Of Your Health

The management of your health is ultimately up to you. The wisest way to safeguard your health is to know and understand your body thoroughly. When you take care of your body, your reward is wellness. You feel and look younger. You experience more energy and enthusiasm. Iridology assessment provides you with information about your body signals and how you can respond to them. Certain conditions can be spotted before they cause serious problems, allowing you to “nip it in the bud.”

Major Signs And Markings:

– Color, Lesions, Lacunae and – – Crypts
– Radii Solaris
– Nerve Rings
– Scurf Rim
– Lymphatic Rosary
– Sodium Ring, Arcus Senilis (Cholesterol Ring)
– Irritations
– The Digestive System – Stomach and Bowels
– The Colon
– The Nerves

Common Symptoms Addressed By Iridology Analysis:

Iridology assessment is a highly effective tool. It helps to determine the root cause(s) of many symptoms. Below is a partial list of common symptoms. If you are suffering from any of these, you might consider having an Iris Reading/Analysis.

– Inflammation
– Constipation
– Migraine
– Insomnia
– Skin Eruption
– Infections
– Arthritis
– Depression
– Low Energy
– Discharges
– Asthma
– Allergies
– Colic, Diarrhea
– Fevers, Cold, Flu
– Chronic Fatigue
– Hay Fever

The greatest feature and main advantage of Constitutional Iridology over other forms of health screening is that the iris reveals potentials and tendencies that may occur if a person lives their life a certain way. Therefore, symptoms can be treated decades before they ever appear. Preventative action may be taken to improve health and avoid those diseases that might otherwise follow.